Animal law publication
Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law
Editors: Peter Sankoff, Vaughan Black and Katie Sykes
Publisher: Irwin Law, Toronto
Released: Irwin Law, Toronto
Format: Paperback, Irwin Law, Toronto
Released in 2015, Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law is the first book-length jurisprudential work to engage in a sustained analysis of Canadian law regulating the treatment of non-human animals at the hands of human beings.
With contributions from professors and lawyers across Canada, Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law aims to help enrich the discourse on animals and the law in Canada by situating doctrinal issues and legal developments in the broader context of ethical and philosophical debate about human-animal relationships.
Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law should provide invaluable assistance to legal scholars, practitioners and students eager to explore these areas in greater depth, as well as being a useful resource for instructors and students in the growing number of law school courses on animals and the law.
To learn more about why I wanted to work on this project, check out this video.
Reviews and opinions
“The editors have accomplished a wonderful job of reuniting contributions that, as a whole, have a lot to offer to both the jurist neophyte in animal law and the jurist who has been actively interested in this field, but as well to non-jurist individuals seeking avenues for a better treatment of animals in our society through the use of law. The volume is rich in exploring such avenues, many of which are largely under-explored…Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law provides a complete introduction to animal law in the country, as well as different avenues for legal action for those who might be disappointed with what such law currently has to offer in terms of animal protection.”
— Sabrina Tremblay-Huet, Dalhousie Law Journal
“Given its relative brevity, the book covers an impressive breadth of subject matter. It provides readers with a large amount of substantive material about domestic and international law. This material is presented in a highly accessible and engaging manner overall. Legal discussion is sufficiently but not unnecessarily technical, and more conceptual material is grounded in current and familiar topics…This book will be of interest to a varied readership given the wide-ranging implications of this area of law. Developments in animal law have a diverse impact on industry development, international and domestic policy, the agricultural industry, local and international businesses, the charitable sector, the entertainment industry (controversies over the Calgary Stampede come to mind), scientific and medical research, and Aboriginal rights claimants. Animals and the Law is a must-read for legal professionals, academics, and students with interests in these areas and in animal law specifically.”
— Michelle Korpan
Saskatchewan Law Review
Radio interview
On May 31, 2015, Michael Enright of CBC Radio recorded an essay, calling Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law an “important book”, and one that makes “a strong case for consideration of rights for animals”, noting that “bestowing certain rights on animals would enhance us as a country.”